Monday, August 17, 2009

Notes On The 4th Paradigm

1. Insure medical treatment for everyone regardless of who they are. Paid for out of individual government coffers, and based on population - i.e., Iceland would pay less than India. This would include medical research.

2. Basic services for everyone - food, shelter, childcare, care for the aged and infirm, etc.

3. Only allow industries to start or continue that are in harmony with the environment i.e., clean effluent. If an industry is willing to clean up its operation, provide assistance in the form of technology or financing, and set timetables that are to be followed. Nobody is exempt, and you can’t buy time or circumvent the law with money.

4. A major effort to provide clean and reusable sources of power i.e., fusion, solar, geothermal, tideland…

5. A major effort to provide clean water in copious amounts with very little expenditure in energy (the technology to do this exists now!). The water would be free to anyone who needs it.

6. Stop clearcutting forests worldwide now! No exemptions.

7. Stop building dams except as necessary for flood control, and designate existing dams that are not specifically assisting this effort to be dismantled

8. All children everywhere are to be provided some basic level of services at least to the age of 18. This includes medical treatment for problems, chronic or otherwise, and wellchild care, food, shelter, education, counseling, guidance and mentoring. This is to be done in a compassionate and intelligent manner so as to serve the best needs of society and the individual and not some bureaucratic pattern. Pay teachers more.

9. Education is to take on the form of providing to the individual a means of being productive and fulfilled, in a manner that best suits their desires, inclinations and aptitudes (they won’t know what’s available early on, so some level of structure will be necessary-reading, riting, rithmetic, etc). Some people would enjoy being rocket scientists; others might get more satisfaction as a pattern maker, machinist, or farmer. There will always be some that will do nothing and live off the basic services, but I think that after a while this would be in decline. A year off once in a while to travel around the world might be fun though. Pay teachers more.

10. Reduce the causes of greed and fear as much as possible. Start with decriminalizing prostitution and drug abuse?

11. Criminal behavior will continue to be a problem that must be dealt with in a compassionate manner, that best serves the needs of everyone, especially in the beginning. This applies to everything except littering, which would be punishable by decapitation in the public square at noon every Friday. This is to be televised and made available worldwide. After a while, littering would not be a problem. This method might also work for the killing of an endangered species and cruelty to animals.

12. What to do about things like abortion rights and the need for it? Is this a problem that will sort itself out?

13. Who will police the police?

14. Who will carry the big stick, and what form will it take? Almost all of these things will require oversight committees and the means and authority to enforce the rules. Human nature being what it is, abuses will happen. The best that can be hoped for is to limit the scope and make it unwise and painful (economic or other) to abuse the system. That means a system that can’t be lied to or run from… Hmm, who will police the police? Might require philosopher-kings.

15. Last but not least, a way to affect change that would be harmonious and agreeable without collateral damage (that means no loss of life for anyone or anything).

Many years later after this has all been done, and we have had time to ponder on the strengths and weaknesses of humanity without being distracted, then maybe it will be possible to begin to construct a new paradigm.

Question: Am I to assume that all of these problems are to be taken care of before I submit my “blueprint for a new faith” and search out the oneness of the all and the allness of the one, or is my “blueprint” expected to fix these problems?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My thanks to Mr. Dylan for allowing me to paraphrase it so succinctly:

...As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And he asks you - with the slight hesitation "Do you want...
to make a deal?"

and he knowing, and your epiphany making your blood run cold.